
wp-1467094476925.jpgWelcome to my site. Here you will find images and links i find interesting, pictures of my little homestead and gardens, travel photos, custom projects, vintage memorabilia, and whatever eclectic tastes i delve into in the future.

Eventually i will include items for sale and i also freelance and barter for some of my services as well. Some examples are:

Custom Fabrication
Handyman Services
Mobile Machine Maintenance and Repair
RV repairs
Troubleshooting of Complex Systems
Unique and Antique Treasures
Water Filtration and Testing
Exotic Houseplants
Natural Gardening
Renewable Energy
Fresh and Saltwater Aquariums
Used Cars
Minor Auto Repair
Small Engine Repair
Inspection,Consulting,Contract labor

If i don’t do it i know someone
reliable who does.

Vast range of knowledge
and background
for a reasonable rate
$20 to $150+ per hour per man
depending on services provided
Bid or Time + Materials

Open to barter for;

precious metals, oddities, salvage, livestock, antiques, cash, land, rarities, etc.


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