Here is what it looked like after unboxing and after all bags have been opened. Soldered everything on the pcb. And a completed kit ready to test. Stay tuned for the test next post.
Got it running off a 10000 mAh battery bank at 5 vdc. Connected to a tab3 with Windows Remote desktop client for display and keyboard/mouse usage. Using juice ssh app to secure shell also. Pretty neat stuff.
I bought a kit online for a nixie power supply with all soldering required. Here she is in all her glory! Also needed more light so i whipped up this expedient bench light running off 12 volts DC. And a close up of the nixie’s i am currently expirementing on. Stay tuned…
Finally got a pi zero in my hands. Wow, it is small. A picture of pi zero on top of raspberry pi 3. Texas Instruments shift registers so i can talk from Raspberry pi to the nixie tubes with less gpio pins used. Next up will be construction photos and progress. Stay tuned.
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